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• Operational properties of heliFOR Ka32A11BC Firecopter


Operational properties to fire fighting function
· An aircraft suitable to air-patrol, surveillance and fire fighting function
· a 3.000 litre tank, capable of containing water or any kind of fire extinguishing solution
· 30-litre fluid canon shot

· 1 h autonomous function over the fire site (100 impulses targeted  each 30 sec) than water reload
· Precise action against fire at 50-metre distance
· Possibility of night-time fire fighting function
· Ability to collect water in flight from any reservoir, vehicle, pool, lake or sea
· Evacuation of endangered personnel
· Ability of functioning in sites usually not accessible to other fire fighting methods (ships, oil rigs, city areas not accessible due to traffic, tall buildings - above the 10th floor - where fire fighters have no means of action but through the building itself,).
· Increased efficacy in sites with decreased accessibility (difficult terrain, areas under mine fields) due to significantly decreased quantities of water needed and increased precision of the fire fighting.
· Fighting forest fires
· Fighting fires in agricultural areas with fresh water, thus avoiding crop/fertile ground corruption through soil salinisation
· Fire fighting in tall buildings, above the 10th floor – above which a fire cannot otherwise be extinguished efficiently from the outside.
· Fire fighting on yachts, cargo ships, oil tankers, oil and gas rigs, etc.
· Fire fighting in cases of highway and railway accidents, as well as other
similar situations with decreased accessibility to other fire fighting vessels
· Fire fighting in oil refineries, industrial plants, electrical plants, etc.
Other Uses

-Shot from Helicopter smacks down a rock off a cliff face to eliminate a rock fall hazard for the road below

-Cleaning power-line insulation to decrease the ‘corona’ effect and technical losses and reduce malfunction.

-SAR evacuation at sea and in the mountains.